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Following an energetic Private Members' Bill campaign by Peter Luff MP, supported by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) and the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA), the Government has recently announced that they will look to make payment of Small Business Rate Relief in England automatic. Half of small businesses, including many small community pubs, are missing out on up to £1,200 of rate relief every year.

CAMRA's Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Jonathan Mail, said:

This "commitment by the Government to look at automatic payment of Small Business Rate Relief moves us one step closer towards ensuring all small businesses, including small community pubs, receive the financial help to which they are entitled. Nearly 6 pubs a day are closing and many of these are small community pubs that would be helped by automatic payment of Small Business Rate Relief, worth up to £1,200 every year."

Around £400 million goes unclaimed every year by small businesses that don't know they can claim rate relief.  Making it automatic will mean all the difference to small firms.

The Financial Solution has endorsed this move by government whole heartedly.

MD of the company, Nick Battersby said:

''We know all too well in our line of business how much landlords are struggling with cash flow issues.  We have a fantastic business cash advance facility that has helped may pub owners of late, and we are pleased that there will be further assistance available if the rate relief becomes automatic.'' 

Contact The Financial Solution on

01600 892830

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